Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Words: Feminist vs. Biblical Influence

I understand that this may have been a hard series for some of you. Someone may have an unsaved husband and someone may have a saved husband that is not spiritually leading the family. No matter the case, we are to be our husband's helper and submit to him (unless we're asked to sin).

If you have an unsaved husband:
1. Pray that the Lord will give you the strength and desire to have pure and respectful conduct towards him. I Peter 3:1-2
2. Pray that the Lord will guide you to a spiritual mentor who you can pray with and who will keep you accountable in this area.
3. Pray continuously for your husband's salvation.

If you have a husband who is not spiritually leading the family:
1. Pray that the Lord will give you a selfless, serving, & submissive heart towards your husband.
2. Pray that the Lord will help your husband to see areas in his life that need changing.
3. Pray that the Lord will give you the strength to humbly & graciously share your concerns with your husband.
4. Pray that the Lord will lead you two to a small group where the wives encourage one another in their biblical role and the men do the same.
5. Pray that the Lord will lead you two to an older couple who can be a Godly example/mentor/accountability for you two.

These are just a few practical ways. Of course there are many others. Seek the Lord for what He desires for you to do. May each of our actions towards our husbands be "very precious in God's sight" (I Peter 3:4).

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