Monday, August 24, 2009

Retreat Recap Part 2: Kempton's Role

Kempton had the honor of being the Retreat Pastor again this year. He spoke 5 times which included an introduction, 3 sessions, and a wrap-up. He also helped lead the men’s small group and counseled several parents. The sessions that he taught were based on Isaiah 43 with verse 19a being the theme verse of the retreat.

Welcome Night: Introduction

Session 1: God’s Glorious Promise – “Fear not, I AM with you!”
Key points from this session
*We suffer for our good & God’s glory.
*God ultimately controls the suffering thermostat; not Satan (e.g. Job).
*We're not being punished; We're being made perfect.
(Rom. 8:28, Acts 14:22, Phil 1:29, I Peter 4:12, James 1:2-4)

Session 2: God’s Glorious Purpose – “I have created you for My glory!”
Key points from this session
*We were all created to display God's glorious design.
*God is the sovereign womb knitter (Ps. 139:13,15) of everyone including those with disabilities. *God was ultimately responsible – NOT fate, doctor’s mistake, accident, genetic/chromosome, etc. (Exodus 4:11). It's not about a freak accident, but a Faithful Architect.

Illustrating Ps. 139: 13,15 using knitting tools
Session 3: God’s Glorious Plan – “I am doing a NEW thing!”
Key points from this session
*Look forward; not back. We must take our eyes off the past and look to God who holds our glorious future. (Phil. 3:12-14)
*Don’t live in the past of the “What ifs” or “If only”.
*When disability entered into our lives, it wasn’t a bad thing; it was a new thing. God wants to do a new thing in your heart and life. Our only hope is Jesus! (2 Cor 5:17)

Closing Session

Men's Group

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