The gospels contain several accounts of people leaving something behind for the sake of wholeheartedly following Jesus.
* Simon & Andrew "left their nets" (Matt. 4:18-20)
* James & John "left their boat and their father" (Matt. 4:21-22)
* The woman at the well "left her water jar" (John 4:28-30, 39-42)
* Matthew left his career (Matt 9:9)
* The grateful leper left the 9 others (Luke 17:11-19)
Basically, in order to fully follow Christ, we may have to leave behind possessions, earthly treasures, family, occupation, or the group (clique). Of course this is not always easy. For example, Matt. 19:16-22 gives account of a law-abiding rich young man who came to Jesus to inquire about following Him. When Jesus told the man to first sell what he possessed and give to the poor and then follow Him, the young man went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
However, God promises that "everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life" (Matt 19:29).
So, what is God calling you to leave behind? Praise the Lord for what you have already left behind for the glorious gain of Christ.
I actually will be making a post soon called, "growing pains." God had me give up my engagement ring, (and materialism in general at that time), and my pregnancy idol, and recently He has called me to give up all of our secular movies, books, and music. Do you know how painful it was for me to get rid of Disney! Well, it was too painful to even admit!
Anyway, thanks for this post, and I will probably quote it when I post mine soon... :) (like later this week or next week) :)
Thanks for the post. It reinforces what the Lord was speaking to me through the message at church this past Sunday.
God is calling me to leave behind my attachment to material things. I look forward to taking steps in that direction in the coming weeks :)
Thanks, Caryn, for drilling down to heart issues. The Lord is calling me to leave behind wanting things my way and trusting Him with His plans. This is broad, but clearly applies to so many areas. Also, he's calling me (again...sigh...) to give Him my worries. I've felt that peace that comes when submission is full. That is so good, and I want to stay in that place. -Erica
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