Friday, December 19, 2008

Quiet Time - Misconception #4

Misconception #4 – I'm too despaired!
Sometimes are hearts are too heavy and burdened to do our daily tasks, let alone have a quiet time. When my son was in the hospital suffering from numerous infections, the doctors did not know if he was going to live through the week. As his infections increased, I fell more in despair. It felt like it took effort to even breathe so I was sure not thinking about having a quiet time. But I knew that Christ was my only sustainer so I desperately needed Him. I remember leaving the hospital and going home not even having the strength to read my Bible or pray. So, I sat in front of our CD player and blasted the song, “Praise Him Through The Night” by Fred Hammond. I repeated it over & over til I was sobbing and felt as if God was holding me and saying, “Daughter, I see, I know, I care.” I’ll never forget that moment. So, I just want to encourage you to GO HARD after Christ in your dark times and do whatever it takes even if it’s blasting praise songs! Even when you can’t pray in your weakness, the Holy Spirit is interceding for you (Romans 8:26). Go to Christ and allow Him to give rest for your weary soul (Matthew 11:28).


Unknown said...

This is the time our fellow brethren should come beside us and lift us up. A year or so ago I sunk into a depression. I was questioning my salvation, swimming in guilt, and had no strength to open my bible and read and felt way too horrible to pray to God. I truly felt like He did not want me to even talk to him. My husband was my sustainer thru this..preaching the gospel to me. Encouraging me to run to the cross daily, and he even read the bible TO me when I didnt have the strength to open it myself. I was able to crawl out of that period in my life because of my husband and other believers lifting me up and sharing God's promises with me.

Caryn said...

You're so right Kim!
The Word tells us to "Bear one another's burdens" (Gal 6:2). Praise the Lord for Godly husbands to carry us in our times of despair! My hubby lifted me up in that difficult season. Our family, friends, and church family lifted both of us up. Christ lifts all of us up (John 17:6-19)! Praise God for the body of Christ and His sustaining power!