Tuesday, April 15, 2008

10 months old & already fasting!

A couple of weeks ago, I put my baby girl on a 3-day fast. A Gerber Puffs fast that is. We call them "stars". She gets ecstatic whenever she here's that word. Well, when she was sick, she didn't want to eat anything, but stars. I let her eat as many as she wanted because something was better than nothing (Right moms?!?!). So, after she felt better, I had an ordeal trying to wean her from the stars. So, I decided to not give her any stars for awhile. She would spit out all the other food I gave her. I had to actually put on an apron to guard myself from the baby food attack. One day, I looked like I was wearing an advertisement for a Baby food Spray paint. Anyway, she eventually starting eating other foods again. So, after 3 days of fasting from the stars, I gave in after a crying spell and she was a happy camper (or should I say happy "star" child). Below are some pictures of her getting her beloved stars back.

This is actually her sad face from star withdrawal.

I gave her one star; she can't believe it!

I put lots of stars on her tray. She is overjoyed!!

The fast is officially over!!!

Praise Jesus for 11 months today my little Star lover!


Tricia Keierleber said...

Praise Jesus! She is so precious... I cracked up when I saw her face when you put the stars on her tray! So adorable!

mom of 3, hater of cheese and birds said...

Geez, you have some cutie pie kids! Keep up the good work! They are so lucky to have a mom like you!

Stine said...

My granddaughter is so cute! I can't wait to see her again. You are such a loving and patient mommy. I guess you had a good role model...huh.


kristen said...

Caryn! This is the cutest thing I have seen all week!!! Poor little darlin' just wanted her stars!!! You are a great mom and I admire you so much. Miss you!!! Love, Kristen