Praise God from whom ALL blessings come! Well, God definitely covered Christian with, "favor as with a shield" (Psalm 5:12). There is no doubt that our Lord used the many prayers of the saints to show off His power. Below are several highlights & praises from today.
1) Even though the surgery was moved from 9:30AM to 11:30AM and he couldn't eat or drink anything, Christian continued to smile, giggle, and play the whole morning.
2) He was so cheerful that he hummed & waved his legs in the air while being wheeled to the Operating Room. That was a funny sight to see.
3) When they got to the O.R., his doc. said that no one could believe how peaceful he was. She said, "He was unbelievably peaceful that he held his own gas mask while they were giving him anesthesia!"
4) The doc. checked his eye pressures and concluded that it was best to do the surgery. The best things about the surgery are: 1. His pressures won't have to be checked as often, 2. No more expensive eye drops needed, 3. The implanted device will serve as a constant aid in keeping his pressures normal which all should lead to 4. Better overall vision.
5) When the surgery was over, the doc. came out and said that the surgery went, "As Smooth as Silk." No problems, No complications, and a lot faster than expected.
6) For cosmetic reasons: When a person has this implanted device, they are given human cornea tissue to cover up the device so no one can see it. So, in other words, my child was given better sight, while someone else lost their child. My heart immediately went out to that family that the Lord will continue to comfort them and that they will find lasting peace & salvation in Jesus if they haven't already.
7) The doc. said that from years of having high pressures, cracks have formed on Christian's corneas. However, she said, "He's very lucky that the cracks didn't go through the center of the cornea (which mostly happens), but his were all on the outsides." That's not luck, but my LORD!
8) The recovering nurse said that Christian was the most delightful child she's ever cared for. She's never had a child that had to wear 2 eye patches & braces on both arms (to keep him from rubbing his eyes) that remained so content, tolerating, and good. He never cried, screamed, or even moaned. She was in total shock and we continued to give God all the glory.
Christian is doing well and sleeping soundly. He goes for a post-op tomorrow morning at 10AM. The doc. will then take off his patches and check his eyes. Please pray that his eyes continue to heal well, that there will be no infections, and that he won't have a desire to rub them.
Thank you so much for all your prayers! God used your prayers to shower His grace & mercy on us. We are grateful!