"Look, there's the Michigan State Bird - Robin!"
"I found a rock shaped like Minnesota!"
While eating lunch, she exclaimed to her sister,
"You just made the shape of Minnesota with your sandwich!"
"You just made the shape of Minnesota with your sandwich!"
Not quite a nature walk finding, but I just had to share. :-)
"Look, I found a long arm like Benjamin Franklin invented!"
They found a small frog during a playdate at a friend's house.
I'm so glad they didn't inherit their mother's dislike of touching and exploring God's outdoor creatures...I actually moved away from it! :-/.
My girls definitely weren't the first two who liked to explore God's creation together. Lewis & Clark were two men commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to lead the Corps of Discovery Expedition through the West.
We decided to focus on these two explorers for our Montana Unit.
In Montana, there is a Lewis & Clark...
We also talked about Sacagawea, a Native American woman who accompanied L&C on their expedition. She greatly helped them as a guide & interpreter all while caring for an infant son...wow!
God Incident - During that same week, Carysse happened to finish the last book in the American Girl Series: Kaya. The book ended with a write-up about L&C and Sacagawea. I love how the Lord sets up connections in our homeschool!
Here's an activity that C. enjoyed.
Montana Unit
Other printables & activities - Discovered Animals, Coloring Sheet, & Fill in the Blank
Other printables & activities - Discovered Animals, Coloring Sheet, & Fill in the Blank
Books Read - Welcome to the USA: Montana, The Lewis & Clark Expedition, & A Picture Book of Lewis & Clark