Membership has it's privileges; however, no parent seeks out to be a member in this group...the disability group that is.
We may have received our membership card the day we got an ultrasound, after giving birth, after the 1st seizure, after the 1st CAT scan, or even after months of wondering why our child was not progressing as other kids their age. Whichever way, it doesn't matter...we are all members.
God knew that we would be part of this group before our children were even conceived (Psalm 139:1-6, 13-16). He had the sovereign power to not allow it, but he chose not to. Why? This is part of His plan for us. Some families' God-ordained plan includes kids that are all healthy and "typical" and some includes kids with disabilities. One is not better than the other; just different. If each of us embrace His will (no matter what that includes), we will see God's hand and evidences of grace throughout our lives. As we put our trust in our Savior Jesus Christ and choose to follow Him, we will witness His goodness all around us. Psalm 23:6a says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." God's goodness does not depend on health or being "typical". It's about knowing God and becoming more like Him as we "taste and see that the LORD is good!" (Psalm 34:8a)
Well, I must run now...there's a parking space right up front at Target waiting for us! :-)