Each year, I get teary eyed as I think back to my pre-mature baby lying in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) wondering if he would live to see another day. Seven years later, I'm still in awe of God's goodness. It definitely has not been easy, but God has definitely been faithful! Praise the Lord that His faithfulness to us doesn't depend on our wavering faith. Most parents look forward to their 2nd grader learning how to add double digits or comprehend a reading passage. However, the Lord is teaching me that Christian's worth is not about his abilities or reaching man-made milestones. It's all about rejoicing in God's goodness and how He has uniquely made my son for His glory.
God will fulfill His purpose for my son (Ps 57:2, 138:8) even if that purpose includes being non-verbal, not potty-trained, having to be fed, bathed, etc. Lord, help me to joyfully embrace that. You are good beyond my understanding and on this first day of school, your goodness shines so brightly. In Christ, I rejoice!
Praise God that he did leave the NICU, and he has grown to be such a light- literal and figurative: look at that smile!! Love to the whole Turner family- we sure miss y'all!
"Praise the Lord that His faithfulness to us doesn't depend on our wavering faith." Thanks for posting this,there are times when it's hard to remember God's faithfulness, but He is so faithful. I just needed a reminder.
great first day of school! I pray he'll continue to love school! What a difference from the first days of school in previous years. God is Good!
Praise God!
such a handsome fellow too!
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